". . . to do that which it is right to do, not because it will insure you success or bring with it a reward or gain the applause of men, but because it is right, and therefore ought to be done are some of the duties of a Mason. -Albert Pike
Chartered by the Grand Lodge of Nebraska on March 15, 2014, Albert Pike Lodge #333 recognizes the role Freemasonry has played in the business community in Omaha for over 150 years. Albert Pike Lodge #333 is a unique Lodge in Nebraska. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, beginning at 11:00 am for social time and a catered lunch, followed by a formal Lodge business meeting. Albert Pike Lodge #333 is designed to accommodate Omaha's business and professional community's busy lives, while still providing an outlet for activity as Freemasons.
"to do that which it is right to do . . ."
Albert Pike wrote that in 1871, and has been the guiding philosophy of Albert Pike Lodge. It all starts with our members.
Grand Lodge officers celebrate the 150th anniversary of Freemasonry in Nebraska in 2007.
Chartering Albert Pike Lodge, March 15, 2014.
Ready to join thousands of men who have made Freemasonry their fraternity in Nebraska and around the nation?