COVID-19 Virus Update

On March 16, M.W. Ronald S. Stites, Grand Master of Masons issued an edict ordering Nebraska Lodges to be closed in coordination with city, state, and federal guidelines for quarantine during the COVID-19 virus pandemic. In compliance with the edict, Albert Pike Lodge #333 will be closed for the March and April business meetings. The Grand Lodge will review the situation and determine whether Loges can meet for the May meeting.

Dean Skokan Receives Masonic Achievement Award

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WB Don Kavalec presented MW Dean Skokan the Masonic Achievement Award, presented with distinction. Dean served as Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska in 2007, Master of Fremont Lodge, Past Venerable Master for the Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection, and numerous leadership roles within Masonry.

Dean Skokan recognized the need for a daytime Lodge in Omaha, catering to the business community. Through his leadership, Albert Pike Lodge #333 was chartered in 2014, and Dean served as the first Worshipful Master of the Lodge. He has always been available for Degree work, to help post candidates, and lend support whenever asked.

Pike Lodge Receives Grand Lodge of Nebraska Membership Award

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Albert Pike Lodge #333 recognized for membership growth in 2017.

Members of Albert Pike Lodge #333 received the Grand Lodge of Nebraska's award for membership growth for a small Lodge at the Annual Communication in Kearney in February. Pike Lodge began 2017 with 30 members, and during the course of the year raised 4 new Master Masons and brought in one more by affiliation. One member was suspended for non-payment of dues, due to moving out of state and another terminated his dual membership with Pike Lodge, retaining his membership at Nebraska Lodge #1. This gave Pike Lodge a net growth of 3 members, or 10% gain, for a year-end total of 33 members. At present, one candidate has been elected by the Lodge to receive the Degrees of Freemasonry, and 3 or 4 men have expressed an interested in joining Albert Pike Lodge #333 in 2018.

In this photo, Steve Barchus, Master of Pike Lodge in 2017, holds the Membership award (standing in the first row, second to right). On his left is Charles Sederstrom III, 2018 Master of Pike Lodge.

Pike Lodge Raises Anthony Canty, Sr.

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Albert Pike Lodge #333 was proud to raise Anthony D. Canty, Sr. (3rd from left) to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on Saturday, October 21, 2017 in a one-day ceremony. The Lodge welcomed WB Mike Gray from Hickman #256, WB Jonathan Paz from Papillion #39, and WB Mark Miller from Mizpah #302 who helped with the degree work.

Anthony is the General Manager for Mobile Fleet Service and enjoys fishing and hunting.

WB Tom Brummett Presented Grand Lodge Individual Achievement Award

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WB Tom Brummett was presented with the Grand Lodge of Nebraska's Masonic Individual Achievement by Steven Barchus, Master of Pike Lodge, on Wednesday, October 18, 2017.

In citing the award, Steve recognized Tom for his commitment to the success Albert Pike Lodge #333, serving as an officer, committee member, conducting Degree work, and serving in numerous leadership capacities for the Lodge, as well as mentor for new members. Tom has selflessly given his time to all Masonic bodies, having served as Potentate of Tangier Shrine, Past Master of Covert Lodge #11. Within the Scottish RIte, Tom has served on the Cathedral Board, as well as volunteering with the stage crew at Reunions. Additionally, he serves as a Culinary Master, cooking at numerous events and volunteers for any other project that may need help at the Scottish Rite and Tangier Shrine. He has run and managed the Hospitality Room at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication. Tom has always been willing to drive to any Lodge in greater-Omaha to promote Blue Lodge Masonry, whenever called upon. Tom is a true gentleman and Mason, supporting all Masonic organizations as a leader as well as philanthropically.


Presenting 32° Scottish Rite membership patents

At the July business meeting, MW John Maxell presented 32° membership patents to Brothers Don Shiu, Jr., Wayne Stuberg, and Ed Birmingham, who joined in the April, 2017 Reunion. He was joined by the Senior and Junior Wardens, Charles Sederstrom III and Don Kavalec, who served as the Venerable Master of the Lodge of Perfection and Master of Kadosh for the Omaha Consistory officer lines.

Prospective Scottish Rite Brethren see the presentation, learn what a Patent represents, and hopefully are encouraged to petition themselves! More important, a special presentation reminds a new Brother of his value and importance in our fraternity, and helps keeps him better engaged.

Letters of patent are a type of legal instrument issued by a governing body, granting an office, title or status to a person. In the past, Scottish Rite Masons may have folded their patents up in carrying folders and took it with them in lieu of a dues card when visiting other Lodges. Many old patents were autographed by fellow member’s of his Reunion class, the SGIG, Grand Master, or other VIPs.

Pike Lodge Raises 3 New Brethren in One Day

The Brethren of Albert Pike Lodge #333 were honored to raise three new men on Saturday, April 22, 2017. Degree work was held at Mizpah Lodge #302 at 48th and Pierce. Our newest members are Don Shiu, Jr., a banker with Banker's Life, Ed Birmingham, a Professor of Law at Creighton University, and Wayne Stuberg, Associate Director of the UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute. . .